How to Attract Animals to your Hunting Property
January 31, 2024

Hunting properties are only valuable if there are games to track. Ensuring that your property is inhabitable for animals is a perfect way to attract wildlife and have a successful hunting season. These animals need the essentials of life to survive – food, water, and shelter. We discuss these components as means by which you can attract animals to your hunting property.

Attract animals with food

Build a food plot for these animals. Animals, like humans, need food to survive. To attract the animals with food, you need to build a food plot that contains the right kind of food for the animals you are looking to attract. Food plots are designated areas where you plant and store foods your game likes to eat. It is essential for a successful hunting season.

You may need to create different food plots if you plan to attract various animals to the property, considering that animals have their food preference. Building a food plot may require some resources, such as time and money, but the benefits of doing so are worth it.

Building a food plot involves cutting timber, removing the stumps, fertilizing the soil, and deciding what and when to plant. The majority of food plots are always on the edges of hardwoods. Knowing what to grow is the most crucial aspect of this procedure. For instance, Deers like orchard grass, acorns, fruits, red clover, and chestnuts; Ducks like grass, berries, and grain; Turkeys prefer smaller fruits and nuts such as cherries, grapes, hickory nuts, and beechnuts; roots, hay, bulbs, and acorns are food favorite for boars. Attract wild hogs by focusing on green vegetation and mushrooms.

It is better to plant different food crops since some grow faster and better than others. It is also a way to ensure that food crops are available all year round, thereby keeping these games on your property.

Attract animals with water

Alongside food, these animals require water for survival. It is also an excellent way to keep your game on your property. Ponds, streams, rivers, and lakes are good water sources for animals. If you want to buy a hunting property, access to water should be a priority.

However, if your hunting property doesn’t have running water, you can build a pond. Adding fish to your water pond can attract carnivores. If you can’t provide water, the wildlife animals go elsewhere to get hydrated.

Attract these animals with shelter

Animals do not require as much shelter or cover as humans. However, it is still needed to protect these animals for them to stay on your hunting property. It is easier for them to get this cover in the forest. So, it is vital to create an environment similar to their natural habitats.

For deer hunting, planting tall grasses and low-growing shrubs is the kind of cover that makes them feel safe from predators. So, it is easy for them to adapt and remain on your property.

Timber Stand Improvement is another method of providing shelter for these animals. It involves cutting down trees allowing the different parts of the fallen tree to separate.

Plant trees that thrive in the winter season, such as pine, spruce, and hemlock. These trees will give the wildlife shelter from winter winds and other elements like rainstorms and hail.

These tips will help create a fortress for the wildlife and help attract them to your hunting property. So, you can better prepare for an all-year-round successful hunting season.