Welcome To Folly Creek Sportsman
Hello this is Jamie Harrelson welcoming you to Folly Creek Sportsman Where are you can find all of your camping, hunting, fishing and hiking supplies. This is recorded in the state of South Carolina, but the Folly creek sportsman is a state of mind. 2000 years ago, a man with only 12 followers said the truth shall set you free. Those 12 followers retweet it so many times Jesus now has 2 billion followers
Seems everybody is hunting the truth, but this is an election year, so the truth is out of season. The only time the truth will not set you free is if you try to hold onto it.
Never try to keep the truth from your wife cause that can put you in a dilemma. Being married is like a continuous injection of sodium pentothal. Lying to your wife is not only Immoral but it is pointless. Some truth can set you free, Free to move into one room apartment across town or pick up one of our one-man tents from our camping division.
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Camping, Hiking, Fishing? We’ve Got it All
Benefits Of Outdoor Activities
People get preoccupied with work, family, and many other modern life activities that could disrupt their physical...
Summer Outdoor Activities
Summer is many people's favorite time of the year. It's the time for tropical vacations, barbeque parties, and margaritas...
6 Top Outdoor Activities
Engaging in outdoor activities is a great way to pass the time, have fun, and burn some calories. These activities are...
Six Popular Outdoor Sports
While outdoor sports may generally be for leisure, you can also use them as a form of exercise which will help to boost...
Recent Posts

Fishing Tips To Help Beginners Improve
You have probably discovered how fun fishing can be and are looking for ways to improve as an angler. You have to note that the difference between a successful fishing outing and an epic fail is your level of preparedness. Catching a fish is a process, and the more...
More Fishing Articles
Understanding Fish Senses For Successful Fishing
We cannot overemphasize the ability to attract a fish. It is an essential skill that every angler should possess. It can determine whether you have a successful outing or go home empty-handed. An excellent way to attract fish is by understanding how their predatory...
Common Fishing Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make
Every angler hopes to have a successful fishing outing and not go home empty-handed. However, you have probably realized that you do not catch as much fish as expected. Your unsuccessful fishing adventures may be due to some common fishing mistakes. This post contains...
Tips On How To Choose The Right Bait
Choosing the right bait can determine the outcome of your fishing adventure - whether you come back empty-handed or have a fabulous day out fishing. There are varieties of baits and lures, so it’s normal to ask, ‘how do you choose the perfect bait?’ It is essential to...
Common Fishing Injuries And Prevention Tips
Fishing is good for relaxation or leisure. It provides an opportunity to connect with mother nature while taking on the challenging task of attracting fish to your fishing baits and celebrating a good catch with your fishing partner. It is a beautiful adventure....
- Camping -
Tips For Camping With Your Family On A Budget
Family camping trips can be costly, and most times, you go above your proposed budget for the trip. However, what if we told you there were ways in which you could cut down on costs when planning a trip for you and your family ? We have compiled tips to help you...
Family-Friendly Backyard Camping Ideas
Backyard camping is an excellent way to bond with the family without breaking the bank. It is also a perfect way to get the feels of camping as a newbie without going far away from home. The numerous benefits of the backyard make it a great option. We have compiled a...
Camping Tips And Hacks For Your Trip
Camping connects you to mother nature serves as a time to relax and bond with friends and family. As much as it is a time to relax, planning for camping isn’t easy, and it requires many arrangements to make it fun. However, we have compiled a list of tips and hacks to...